Tbay Charity Events in South Africa-July, 2023

On July 18th and 20th, Tbay team visited 2 schools in South Africa, Tembisa Commerce and Entrepreneurship School of Specialisation and Nkgopoleng Secondary School, which are the 44th and 45th school we donated for our “Donating 1,000 Schools” program in Africa.

Tembisa Commerce and Entrepreneurship School of Specialisation is situated in Tembisa township, which is one of the biggest townships in South Africa.  Nkgopoleng Secondary School is located in ZAMNDEL, a township in the province of the Free State. This school attracts students all over Free States because of its cultural diversity that embraces most ethnic groups.

At first, our staff was touched when they heard a radio broadcast reporting that numerous students from Nkgopoleng Secondary School were braving their daily journey to school without proper shoes, resorting to wearing worn-out sneakers instead. This heartwarming story spurred the team into action, and they went to school and got a better understanding about the situation to see how they could assist.

Meanwhile, they were informed that these two schools students’ are facing various challenges in their lives. Most of them can’t afford shoes, especially during the harsh winter when the biting cold might prevent them from attending school due to lack of footwear and most girl’s parents can not afford sanitary pads, thus making many girls abstain from going to school when they menstruate. Therefore, our staff decided to donate shoes and sanitary pads for them. The children were so happy to get the items they need.

Finally, we had some interviews with students, and they expressed excitement and heartfelt appreciation towards Tbay for its generous donation to our school. They emphasized that these items arrived precisely when they were needed most. And a girl specially emphasized on the sanitary pads provided to them. We indeed can feel that the connection between students and us bonded.

Nhlapo, a teacher of the school, said that Tbay team's act of kindness not only provided physical comfort but also boosted the students' self-esteem and motivation to continue their education. It was a heartwarming community support and compassion, leaving a long-lasting impression on both the students and the team members involved. You can watch our video below:

Tbay will continue our big mission of charity events in Africa, and keep our "Donating 1,000 Schools" program going well in the future.

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Tbay, which offers online gift card trading services, is the world's leading online trading platform. As a global cross-border e-commerce platform, Tbay is mainly engaged in "Online Gift Card Trading", aiming to help users with gift cards earn cash and digital assets in an efficient way.

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