Monthly Comparison for Gift Card Vendors ——In September

Long time no see! In this month, we continue to publish the comprehensive evaluations of gift card vendors. The purpose of Tbay’s monthly gift card vendors comparison aims to help sellers sell gift cards faster, safer and more profitably, to build business interaction. Lets view the results in September.

Rankings of Gift Card Vendors

We mentioned at the first time, we evaluate the gift card vendors with different aspects. This new table allows you to compare FEEDBACK TIME, TRANSACTION SPEED, GOOD REVIEW RATIO AND COMPREHENSIVE. And this time we use the Google Play gift card to evaluate the transaction speed of each vendor.

Best Vendors Award-Gift card Provider

 Fastest Feedback Vendor Award-Happy dog

Best Reputation Award- Kardbaba


What do you value most when evaluating gift card vendors work? You can leave your answer in the following ↓↓↓ form. 

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