Tbay’s Charity Events in Nigeria

Tbay’s Charity Events in Nigeria


Many magic tales has taken in this beautiful place, Africa, where Tbay has left deep footprints in Nigeria. Tbay has donated to many primary schools in Nigeria for many times, and it also formulated a great plan of “donating thousands of schools".

(Activity scene 1)

(Activity Scene 2)

Maybe some people would like to wonder why they chose to subsidize these primary schools? Because Tbay deeply realizes the importance of educational development that is giving a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; Children with the strong ability to accept emerging things are the hope of the future. Helping them develop a sound learning environment can enable them to learn new knowledge quickly and grow up fast.

(Activity Scene 3)

(Activity Scene 4)

To learn more, please follow Tbay.

If you also want to join Tbay's great project of "donating thousands of schools", please contact us.


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Email: [email protected]

WhatsApp:+234 909 324 6914

WeChat: T_bay01



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